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Wednesday, January 29, 2025


An AI-generated biker image created by RebelBikerDudefor RebelBikderDude's AI Biker Art blog using Magic Studio

Hi guys! As a longstanding biker & a digital artist newbie working with AI, I've been combining the two for fun and have produced a ton of AI-created biker pix using various different AI image-generation programs. So as it seemed a shame not to do anything with them, especially after receiving encouragement from two professional digital artist friends who both stated that they definitely deserved preserving in some way, I've launched this blog to showcase them for other fans of biker-related art to enjoy. All the pix are 100% SFW & everywhere else, there are NO mature/18+ viewers only/adult-content pix here at all, so no worries there.

So just chill out & check out my AI biker artwork, kicking off today with this present gallery containing 85 general biker pix, trying out various art styles but with no particular theme. I've learnt a lot in a relatively short space of time regarding AI art-generation, including certain tell-tale visual errors and shortcomings that readily betray a given image's AI origin. For instance, AI image-generators still seem to have problems in accurately depicting fingers (and toes too in animals), so a fair few AI images contain people with extra fingers or deformed, misshapen fingers. Moreover, quite often there will even be images depicting people ior animals with extra limbs, or people sharing an arm or leg, or arms and legs that are wholly separate from the bodies that they should be attached to! Obviously I don't retain any bizarre-looking images like those, but occasionally the rest of the image is of such high quality that I turn a blind eye to the occasional extra or distorted finger. So don't be alarmed if you spot a six-fingered biker here and there in amongst this blog's illustrations! The same applies to floating motorbike handlebars (and don't even get me started on the mechanical verisimilitude (or otherwise!) of various motorbikes in AI-generated images!).

Also, I've noriced that Magic Studio appears to show a distinct preference for providing generated biker guys with bare chests, hyper-developed musculature, and plenty of tattoos without having been prompted to do so by me. so this seems to be its default appearance setting for biker guys whenever the term 'biker' is included in a prompt given to it by its user. And it does the same re very slender legs and waists for biker ladies (not that I'm complaining!). 

And just for the record, to ensure that there can be no confusion or accusations: yes, all artwork in this blog is AI-generated, but all text in it is my own original creation, it is NOT computer-generated writing. I trust that this makes everything perfectly clear and unambiguous (if indeed it wasn't already).

NB - all of the images included in this page's gallery and in all others on this blog were created by me, RebelBikerDude, using the AI image-generation programs Grok X1 and Magic Studio, for non-commercial, entertainment purposes only, and never feature any real-life persons or copyrighted characters, only AI-generated lookalikes (and which are always unequivocally identified as such in those few respective pages where they appear).




More pix next time! Please click here to access a chronological listing of fully clickable links to all galleries uploaded by me on this blog. NB - all images included in this present gallery were created by me, RebelBikerDude using the AI image-generation program Magic Studio.

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