One thing I soon discovered when creating biker pix using AI programs is that each program tends to generate certain recognisable biker characters. For instance, I soon started noticing that one particular biker character appeared a lot in pix I generated when using Magic Studio. Obviously I could change his appearance a great deal if I used prompts, but if I didn't choose to do this, his default appearance was as a tall, fairly sturdy & muscular guy with a long slender face and lantern jaws, long wavy black hair, a small goatee, and tattoos. I call this character Mike, as he reminds me a bit of a mate with that name. So here's AI-generated biker Mike, you'll see him a lot in my pix.
Another biker character who is generated alot when I'm creating pix with Magic Studio is a tall blond-haired guy, in default mode a bit shorter and sturdier than Mike. I call him Jeff, after another of my biker mates, and I'll introduce Jeff to you here.
Please click here to access a chronological listing of fully clickable links to all galleries uploaded by me on this blog. NB - all of the images included in this page's gallery were created by me, RebelBikerDude, using the AI image-generation program Magic Studio, for non-commercial, entertainment purposes only, and do not feature any real-life persons or copyrighted characters.
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