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Wednesday, February 19, 2025


An AI-generated image of my AI biker/archaeologist character Wisconsin Jones fully-revealed at last in his glowing, golden-winged Protector form, created by RebelBikerDude using Magic Studio

Finally, here is the concluding gallery in my Temples of Gold series. Last time (click here), I revealed how biker Wisconsin Jones, the lesser-known archaeologist and identical twin brother of a certain much more famous seeker of ancient, sacred relics, inadvertently discovered the fabled Fountain of Eternal Youth, drank from it, and was duly rendered immortal and ageless thereafter - but that is not all. To his absolute amazement a few evenings later, after suffering sudden, severe pain in both shoulders while taking a shower, a very large pair of feathery angelic wings abruptly sprouted from them! Furthermore, although golden in default colour, they continuously changed their hue, size, and intensity in synchrony with his emotions, and instantly vanished if he so chose them to. Totally perplexed, Wisconsin walked downstairs, to be greeted by a total stranger, who not only knew him by name but also congratulated him upon successfully gaining his wings - yet how did the stranger know?

To cut a very long story short, it turned out that the stranger - and also Wisconsin now - belonged to a secret but very elite international company known as the Protectors. Consisting of everyone who had ever drunk from the Fountain of Eternal Youth and had thus surrendered their mortality for immortaility (gaining a pair of wings to enhance this superhuman state), the Protectors are tasked - as their name suggests - to protect Planet Earth throughout all eternity, guarding and defending it from alien infiltration and domination. Consequently, they were well aware of the Golden Temples' alien architect creators, and had been involved in covert warfare with them for aeons (it was during one such bout that the alien who had first greeted the bikers had received his facial scar). As the Protectors recognised that Wisconsin's archeological knowledge, not to mention his experience as a biker, would be a great asset to them, the Protectors had surreptitiously steered him towards the Fountain to ensure that he drank from it and thereby became one of them. For they knew that he would be sorely needed in their latest endeavour - to rescue the bikers trapped and hypnotised by the alien mutants in the twin Golden Temples.

So without further ado, a company of Protectors, which included Wisconsin, several other winged immortal bikers, and also some golden-hued, physically-transformed super-humans who represented a more advanced stage in Protector evolution, converged upon the two temples, ready to do battle and free the bikers from the alien mutants. Moreover, Wisconsin soon discovered that his wings were not the only superhuman accessories sported by all Protectors - like a veritable cartoon super-hero, he also possessed some incredible powers. Each Protector's powers were unique to that specific Protector, and Wisconsin's included the capability to emit incandescent, scorching radiation that shrivelled to ash anything that it touched, as well as the equally useful ability to shoot electrifying bolts of blue lightning from his fingertips that would instantaneously incinerate anything that they hit!

Armed with these awe-inspiring super-powers, Wisconsin felt sure that in the company of the other Protectors, he would defeat the aliens and rescue his fellow bikers - but would he? When you've scrolled down this gallery's set of AI images illustrating all that I've documented here so far, I'll tell you!

So, now that you've seen Wisconsin the Protector and his fellow guardians in all of their winged wonder and golden splendour, ready to do battle with the aliens and free the bikers, what happened next?

What happened next?

What happened next is that I woke up! Yes indeed: with grateful thanks to the deus ex machina get-out plot device, it was all just a dream (*), but not so much a fever dream as a fromage dream - with the moral of this story being that you should never consume large quantities of mature cheese while watching Raiders of the Lost Ark just before going to bed!

* = Having said that, it may not have been entirely a dream, because, as my latest AI-generated biker character, Wisconsin Jones may well be reappearing, whether winged or wingless, in various future AI at galleries here, so be sure to look out for him!

Please click here to access a chronological listing of fully clickable links to all galleries uploaded by me on this blog. NB - all of the images included in this page's gallery were created by me, RebelBikerDude, using the AI image-generation program Magic Studio, for non-commercial, entertainment purposes only. So they do not feature any real-life celebrities or copyrighted characters, only AI-generated lookalikes.

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