As a kid at school, I read the classic fantasy/horror novella The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, written by Robert Louis Stevenson and published in 1886, and I enjoyed it so much that I soon bought a copy of it for myself, which I still own today. I've also watched many different movie versions of it over the years. So its weird, disturbing story was an obvious choice of subject for me to try out visually, using AI image-generating programs, but adding a biker slant to it, with both characters being modern-day bikers in black leather jackets and jeans. However, as Biker Jekyll is, like his original 19th-Century counterpart, just a normal, ordinary guy, and as my bikers illustrated so far here on my blog are too, I'd already got plenty of Dr Jekylls in biker form, but I hadn't got any malign wicked-looking Biker Hydes. So I decided to concentrate my efforts upon creating a series of those, and below is a very diverse selection of the best ones.
Some of them depict Hyde alone, in which he ranges visually from merely smirking a sinister smile to looking thoroughly monstrous,and deranged. Various others depict him with Jekyll, either behind/in front of him or to one side of him, as if psychically dominating the good doctor with his very strong, evil influence (as in the example above, opening this present blog page). And a few of them depict him physically threatening or even attacking various other innocent unsuspecting bikers like Jekyll. Moreover, some of the most dramatic of these AI images feature a snarling, extremely malevolent-looking, totally OTT version of my normally smiling, benevolent-looking, relaxed AI biker character Mike (click here to see him in his typical form), even though I never included any mention or description of him in any of my prompts to MagicStudio when using it to creatiethese J&H images - interesting!
More of my AI-created biker images next time!
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