Imagine a version of the classic adventure movie Raiders of the Lost Ark in which all of the archaeologist good guys as well as all of the Nazi bad guys are bikers. That's what I did a few days ago, after which I duly decided to put my idea to good use by creating what I initiaally conceievd as a single gallery of AI-generated Raiders-themed biker images. However, it proved such a rich vein forvisual experimentation that before I knew it, I'd created enough pictures, and exhibiting a sufficient diversity of concepts, to fill several different galleries. Consequently, I have indeed prepared several galleries, inspired to varying degrees by my original idea, and I'll be uploading all of them here during the next few days.
So here's the first one, where it all began, illustrating my original my original Bikers of the Lost Ark idea. However, even this one has been split into two by me, in order to demonstrate how very differently two sepaarte AI image-generators responded to the same verbal prompts provided by me. For as will now be seen, Magic Studio's output is a series of extremely detailed painting-like iand engraving-like mages, depicting comparable settings to the ancient temples and crypts that featured in the movie, and with a not dissimilar-looking lead character to Indiana Jones himself, both in looks and in outfits. Conversely, as will be seen tomorrow, in Grok X1's output of extremely photo-realistic images the background settings are much simpler in appearance, and the lead character is exactly as prompted by me, i.e. just a typical modern-day biker, nothing more, with no resemblance whatsoever to Indy. Amazing how two AI programs can interpret so differently the very same prompts given to them by me. Also worth noting here is that whereas most of Magic Studio's images of its Lost Ark hero are indeed Indyesque in appearance, it also produced several that bear more of a resemblance to Russell; Crowe's Maximus character from the movie Gladiator, and did so entirely unprompted by me, so I've included them at the end of this present gallery's series of images, as they are nothing of not eyecatching despite having no relation whatsoever to the subhject at hand. Also included for the same reason is the even more bizarre image of two angels, sharing a single pait of wings, that it created at the same time, again wholly unprompted by me, Havi g said that, I am wondering now whether this particular image was somehow inspired by pictures of the Lost Ark of the Covenantn itself, which apparently bore a pair of winged angel figures on its lid. One thing that I've learnt very quickly with AI image-generators is to expect the unexpected at all times, so I do! Anyway, here now is Magic Studio's galelry of Bikers of the Lost Ark-themed images, with those generated by Grok X1 coming tomorrow.
Plus: please click here to access a chronological listing of fully clickable links to all galleries uploaded by me on this blog. NB - all of the images included in this page's gallery were created by me, RebelBikerDude, using the AI image-generation program Magic Studio, for non-commercial, entertainment purposes only. So they do not feature any real-life celebrities or copyrighted characters, only AI-generated lookalikes.
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